Social and Environmental Attention of ACS

 The ACS Group (Grupo Actividades de Construccion y Servicios in Spanish) is construction Spanish company that is a worldwide reference in the construction and services activities. The company takes part in the development of key sectors for the economy such as infrastructures and energy. A company committed to the social and economic progress of the countries in which it operates.
ACS Group Works
ACS Group Works
The success of the Group performance is based on an efficient organization and a dynamic management, implemented through successive processes of mergers, takeovers and strategic plans committed to satisfy the client as well as to maximizing profitability for ACS shareholders
As part of its commitment to sustainable growth, the ACS Group aims to assure that its investments are profitable while guaranteeing high quality operations and financial soundness and efficiency. This simultaneously generates value for three large groups of agents directly or indirectly related to ACS: 
  • Value is generated for clients to which projects and services related to infrastructures and energy are provided.
  • Value is generated for shareholders through the financial profitability of the investments made.
  • Value is generated for every part of society by fostering sustainable economic growth in the countries in which the Group operates 


Values of ACS Group
Values of ACS Group
The ACS Group combines its business objectives with protection of the environment and appropriate management of its stakeholders’ expectations in this topic. The environmental policy of the ACS Group is intended to be a framework in which, on the one hand, the general lines to be followed (principles) are defined and, on the other hand, the particular features of each business line and each project are collected.
The principles are the ACS Group’s general environmental commitments. These are sufficiently flexible as to accommodate the elements of policy and planning developed by the companies in the different business areas. In addition, these commitments need to keep within the requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard:
  •  Commitment to complying with the legislation.
  •  Commitment to preventing pollution.
  • Commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Commitment to transparency, communication and the training of Group employees, suppliers, clients and other stakeholders.


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